(501) 823-4637


What To Do With Medicare If You Work After 65

What To Do With Medicare If You Work After 65

Advice For Those That Have Coverage Through Their Employer

Many of my financial planning clients are introduced to me as they approach age 65 and have questions related to Medicare, specifically: “What do I do with Medicare if I plan on working past age 65?” In this post, I will go over a few of the more common scenarios that I encounter while working with clients that plan to continue working past age 65, and answer a few of the questions that I tend to field on a regular basis. If you have an individual health insurance policy that is not through an employer, chances are you will not be able to keep that policy when you become eligible for Medicare. This article is for those that have coverage through an employer and have additional decisions that need to be made.


8 Social Security Questions That You Need To Consider Before Retiring

8 Social Security Questions That You Need To Consider Before Retiring

If you are thinking about retiring in the next few years, chances are you are wondering about
the same things that many other people are at this stage of life. Here are some of the most
frequently asked questions that clients ask me about Social Security Benefits:

How is my monthly benefit amount determined?

Social Security bases your monthly benefit on the amount of FICA taxes that you paid through
out your work history. They take your monthly earnings during the 35 years in which you earned
the most, and index earnings from past years for inflation to calculate your basic benefit,
formally called your primary insurance amount.


8 Social Security Questions That You Need To Consider Before Retiring

8 Social Security Questions That You Need To Consider Before Retiring

If you are thinking about retiring in the next few years, chances are you are wondering about
the same things that many other people are at this stage of life. Here are some of the most
frequently asked questions that clients ask me about Social Security Benefits:

How is my monthly benefit amount determined?

Social Security bases your monthly benefit on the amount of FICA taxes that you paid through
out your work history. They take your monthly earnings during the 35 years in which you earned
the most, and index earnings from past years for inflation to calculate your basic benefit,
formally called your primary insurance amount.
